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One morning Toad sat in bed.

“I have many things to do,” he said. “I will write them all down on a list so that I can remember them.”

Toad wrote on a piece of paper: A List of Things To Do Today.

Then he wrote: Wake Up.

“I have done that,” said Toad, and he crossed out: Wake Up.

While tidying the cabin today I came across my Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel. Frog and Toad have been heros of mine since I first discovered them while working at Chapters bookstore about ten years ago. I collected all four volumes, read them to young friends whenever I can, and often use their stories when teaching young children.

I love Frog and Toad because they have so many hobbies and interests that are similar to my own. I am always impressed at how they have wonderful adventures while remaining calm, cultured and enjoying a sophisticated life in nature.

They are fellow bookworms, reading while they fish…

…reading together in tree houses…

…and reading to each other.

They write lists, stories, letters and poetry…

They creat art…

…and play the piano…

… and dream of being in the theatre.

They rake leaves in Autumn…

…and tend to their gardens with singing, poetry and violin playing.

They take time to enjoy the finer things in life, like good conversation and a glass of wine by the fireside…

 … and they drink copious pots of hot tea.

Frog and Toad were caught in the rain. They ran to Frog’s house.

“I am all wet,” said Toad.

“Have some tea and cake,” said Frog. “The rain will stop. If you stand near the stove, your clothes will soon be dry. I will tell you a story while we are waiting,” said Frog.

“Oh good,” said Toad…

Frog and Toad taught me to always carry a book wherever I go; to be kind to all of the animals in the forest; to take time for fires and tea and freshly baked cakes and cookies; to value poetry, art, music, warm quilts in winter and tweed suit jackets; to give myself permission to say, “BLAH!!!” whenever appropriate… and to celebrate true friendship when found. And so I raise my own glass of wine as sit by this fireside in a toast to my two heros, mentors and imaginary companions…



Lobel, A. (1970). Frog and Toad Are Friends. HarperCollins Publishers: New York

(1971). Frog and Toad Together. HarperCollins Publishers: New York

(1976). Frog and Toad All Year. HarperCollins Publishers: New York

(1979). Days With Frog and Toad. HarperCollins Publishers: New York