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Another great recipe shared by my wonderful sister-in-law, Laurie. During my last visit we were chatting about homemade deodorants and she let me sample some of hers. It is so simple to make and more effective than the crystal I had been using, where I often had to reapply during the day. This deodorant is powerful, even on my days of heavy perspiration (large garden, moving wheel barrels of heavy dirt, hauling lumber for the raised beds…) it passed the test! I was able to sweat freely and naturally without a strong body odor. Instead, I enjoyed the delicate scent of coconut wafting from underneath my otherwise grimy arms. I bought the coconut oil (solid at room temperature) at Earth’s General Store in Edmonton but I have also seen it for sale at various Health Food Stores. Oh- and Laurie found the recipe on the Passionate Homemaking blog and there is even a video demonstration on how to make it.

Homemade Natural Deodorant

6-8 Tablespoons coconut oil (solid state)

1/4 cup baking soda

1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)

Combine the baking soda & arrowroot powder. Add the coconut oil a few tablespoons at a time and work it in with a spoon or hand blender until it maintains a firm but pliable and ‘easy to spread’ consistency.  If the mixture becomes too wet, add a bit more arrowroot powder/ or cornstarch to thicken.

Place the mixture in a small container with lid and apply with fingers (you don’t need much!).

Yield: about half a cup

A great handmade gift idea or stocking stuffer for friends and loved ones.