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Winter is almost here and my daily work schedule has been changing in response to the shorter days and much cooler temperatures. Like the squirrel that lives in the woodshed (pictured above gathering hawthorn berries), I have been very busy preparing for the coming cold months…

This time of year, the rising sun greets me just as I also am ‘rising’ each morning. I like to sit quietly, sipping my hot water and reflecting on the beauty that surrounds me and nourishes my spirit. Now that the leaves have fallen, I have a much better view of the sunrises and the lake.

The Autumn colors are completely done now. Not a single yellow leaf remains. The wild plants and grasses are brown, dry and brittle. Lucy and I still hike every morning and evening on the trails behind the cabin. Each morning the heavy frost crunches under my feet and I am getting excited about the coming snow (lots of snow, please!) and trading in my hiking boots for cross country skis…

The Autumn chores are slowly getting done. Last week my neighbor K came over and together we blew out my irrigation system (I have ‘underground’ water both at the greenhouse and all the way out to the Medicine Wheel garden). I also cleaned out the greenhouse and did more tidying in the veggie garden in preparation for spring.

By the way, I am finding that there areĀ still many interesting things to discover and photograph around the garden. Here are some artichokes that I never got around to harvesting:

Finally, I took down the Autumn wreath of orange and yellow Chinese lanterns and replaced it with the red berry winter wreath. This week I plan on sweeping the roof, cleaning the eaves troughs, raking the remaining leaves in the front yard, bringing in the last of the outdoor furniture and building Lucy a dog house. Then I should be ready for winter…